This page is a summary of events, opportunities, and resources related to The TheoPsych Project. A Psychological Science Primer for Theologians (book) – This new e-book will give you an accessible and comprehensive overview of the psychological sciences, while highlighting connections to Christian theology and practice along the way. Download the E-book today or order […]
How to Thrive with a Stone Age Mind
What does God’s creation of humanity through the process of evolution mean for human flourishing? The emerging field of evolutionary psychology remains controversial, perhaps especially among Christians. Yet according to Justin Barrett and Pamela Ebstyne King it can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and our distinctively human purpose. Order your copy now from […]
Why Meet? (We Wrote a Book!)
Events are exhilarating! When the right combination of purpose, structure, and people come together, something magical happens. We love being part of those moments. But we have all been a part of events that lacked that magic, leaving us feeling drained and uninspired. Have you ever finished an event and asked yourself, “What was the […]