Not too long ago, Blueprint 1543 helped with the design and facilitation of a multi-day, interdisciplinary academic workshop. Based upon the reactions of the project leader and the participants, we regarded the event as a great success and were gratified that we could help. But every time we do an event, we take the time […]
Letter From the President: Why Settle for Mediocre Events? (Part 1)
Early this year, after a private workshop that Blueprint 1543 designed and facilitated, a colleague asked me whether Blueprint could also be contracted to do public events. He had hosted a lackluster event designed and administered by his university’s events department and wondered if there was a better way for his grant-supported work to have […]
Why Meet? (We Wrote a Book!)
Events are exhilarating! When the right combination of purpose, structure, and people come together, something magical happens. We love being part of those moments. But we have all been a part of events that lacked that magic, leaving us feeling drained and uninspired. Have you ever finished an event and asked yourself, “What was the […]